As with all surprise methods the treble follows a treble bob path.
The best way to learn the method is to memorise the blue line for each place bell
knowing which place bell you become at the end of each line.
At a bob:
the bell which would make seconds (at the end of 5ths place bell) runs out to become 3rds
place bell dodging 5-6 up then double dodging 7-8 up
the bell which is finishing 3-4 places up (at the end of 7th place bell) makes 4ths
instead of dodging 3-4 up and then becomes 4ths place bell by making 3rds then 4ths
then dodging with the treble
the bell which is coming down to 3-4 places down (at the end of 3rds place bell) runs
in to become 2nds place bell by dodging with the treble in 1-2
At a single:
the bell which would make seconds (at the end of 5ths place bell) is unaffected
the bell which is finishing 3-4 places up (at the end of 7th place bell) makes 4ths
instead of dodging 3-4 up and then becomes 4ths place bell by making 3rds then 4ths
then dodging with the treble
the bell which is coming down to 3-4 places down (at the end of 3rds place bell) makes
3rds then becomes 3rds place bell dodging 5-6 up then double dodging 7-8 up