blue line
Blue Line
plain lead
Plain Lead
The treble plain hunts. The bell which is being coursed by the treble as it leaves the front makes 4ths and back to the front and then out to 4ths again and then courses the treble down to the front. While 4ths place is being made the bells in 5-6 dodge. Otherwise the working bells plain hunt.

In practice this means that the working bells plain hunt, dodging up and down at the the back, except with the treble.
If a bell is turned by the treble at the front that bell makes 4ths then goes down to lead and then up to 4ths and down to turn the treble.
This method is Double Court above the treble and Plain Hunt below the treble.

At a bob:
Blob the bell which is dodging 5-6 down when the bob is called dodges twice more in 5-6 down then goes down to lead - next work dodge 5-6 up
Blob the bell which passes the treble in 2-3 up makes 4ths and goes back in - next work 5-6 dodge lie dodge
Blob the bell which is dodging 5-6 up when the bob is called dodges twice more in 5-6 up then lies and is turned from the back by the treble - next work 4ths and in

At a single:
Blob the bell which is dodging 5-6 down when the single is called makes 5ths then dodges 5-6 up - it will then be turned from the back by the treble - next work 4ths and in
Blob the bell which passes the treble in 2-3 up makes 4ths and goes back in - next work 5-6 dodge lie dodge
Blob the bell which is dodging 5-6 up when the single is called is unaffected - it lies over the bell it has just dodged with while that bell makes 5ths and then dodges 5-6 down with the same bell - next work dodge 5-6 up

By place passing treble going up
  pass treble at plain lead at bob at single
Blob 1-2 make 4ths - lead - pass treble 3-4 - make 4ths unaffected unaffected
Blob 2-3 dodge 5-6 up - lie make 4ths and in make 4ths and in
Blob 3-4 make 4ths and down unaffected unaffected
Blob 4-5 5-6 dodge - lie - dodge triple dodge 5-6 up - lie unaffected (5-6 dodge - lie - dodge)
Blob 5-6 lie - dodge 5-6 down lie - triple dodge 5-6 down lie - dodge 5-6 down - make 5ths - dodge 5-6 up - lie
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